Friday, January 08, 2010

integrate this.

was semi bored before maths class. so i googled random stuff like unique hats(not as unique as i thought. should put avant garde next time)
so. topsy turvy cakes caught my attention since it's so weird. whenever i think topsy turvy cakes, i would imagine someone having such difficulty cutting the cake. i mean you wouldn't have such problems with NORMAL cakes.
can you imagine trying to cut equal sizes?? i think i would go crazy.
however, i'm very fascinated and confused at why people would have topsy turvy wedding cakes. wedding cakes should be elegant and simple...i guess.
seeing that it takes a lot more time to make a cake like this, it would probably cost a bomb.
normal cakes ftw ahha.

having a hard time figuring out whether it's a real cake

the nicest topsy turvy wedding cake i've seen so far.

i like the detail :)

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