Friday, January 01, 2010

epicface epicface epic face jizzinmypants

My dad asked me a question last night. Something that did not cross my mind mainly because i don't feel it is necessary.
"What's your new year resolution?"
In past years whenever i do make a resolution(s), i tend to forget them. however, i decided to start slow this year. not going to resolve to something extreme like join a nunnery or become a vegetarian.
so i've narrowed down my short list to two resolutions ;

a. Exercise more

b. Somehow get over my fear of heights.

The latter, just thinking about it is freaking me out. It would be interesting to find out HOW i would overcome this fear IF i do. Bungee jumping? they don't have it here Climbing a ladder? Scary!! not being sarcastic Rock climbing? will be getting exercise at the same time.

anyway, i sure hope i stick to it and actually remember them this time. :)

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