Tuesday, July 26, 2011

insane in the membrane

let me start off by asking, how is everyone?
now that i've asked what had to be asked, i can now complain.
i am having a fracking throbbing headache.
the kind where i want to smash my brains out.

anyway, i will be going back to Perth in a few days.
i don't really know what to feel.
i'm sad cause i have to start the whole process of going to uni, attending lectures, doing tute work, readings -.-
but at the same time i'm happy because i'm definitely more settled now. i know my way around the campus, hence, i don't have to worry about not finding where all the lecture theaters and tute rooms are.
i know the shortcuts and i'm definitely more independent now.
it will also be interesting to see fresh faces, you know, with the new intake :B

whatever it is i finally choose to feel, i know that this semester will be better than the last.


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