Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Or rapies

just watched the hangover. yes i am a year late.
i can't seem to figure out why the movie only won one mtv movie award.
it's not so stupid unlike some comedies. that's the thing with comedies, there is always this fine line between stupidly not funny (to me but extremely funny to most boys because seeing people getting hurt is funny to them. go figure) and funny. a very obvious example of stupidly unfunny is those scary movie movies. once i watched meet the spartans and i did not laugh throughout the whole movie cause it was so stupid. but the two guys i went to watch it with were laughing hysterically.
yes, i am a very picky movie goer.
oh yes, and why did amanda seyfried even win an mtv movie award FOR JENNIFER'S BODY of all movies? it baffles the mind.

p.s. if you have not seen jennifer's body, please don't. i beg you.

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