Friday, October 20, 2006

pork fiesta?

so tonight auntie sara & the gang will be coming all the way from malacca. so all of them might be staying here. wat the hell. haiyoo. they can always stay at auntie rachels or auntie beccas house ryte? haiyoo.they always want to cramp up here. kinda stupid isn't it. tsk tsk. anyway. deepavali is tomorrow. so auntie becca is like gonna order for everyone food tomorrow. like omg. i don't feel like eating. i'm tired of eating curry and pork and everthing else that is close to curry and pork. i will completely avoid pork because i've been eating pork for like one month straight. and when it's not pork, it's fish. and when it's not fish, it's chicken.boring. i want to eat ice cream so badly but my mother will usually tell me "you're gonna become fat" or "your face becomin rounder" urgh...mothers.

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