Sunday, February 23, 2014


I just started reading this book called "Quiet" by Susan Cain. So far, I love it. This is mainly due to the fact that I am an introvert and reading anything that is pro-introversion makes me feel better and empowered (not in a conceited way, of course but in a self-love sort of way)

However, I must say that it is true that the world we currently live in emphasises too much on extroversion. Basically, if you're not an extrovert then you're not normal or interesting enough I suppose. This book did bring back a lot of memories and one of them in particular was when someone lectured me for a good 20 minutes about how I needed to stop being an introvert because apparently you can't succeed by being one. This upset me a lot not only because I was being told that being an introvert was inherently wrong but also I will never succeed unless I changed who I was. Obviously, I didn't take any of his advice to heart because I knew that introverts contribute to the world in different ways and just because ONE extrovert can't comprehend that, it should not bother me.

I don't want to get too deep into this subject just because there are so many more articles online that can fully explain what being an introvert is like but I must say that knowing there are other people who are like me makes me feel a lot less alone at times.

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