Sunday, December 11, 2011

Runneth over

As much as I enjoy Childish Gambino's music, I am not such a fan of Culdesac. There are a few songs that are good but I still prefer his other albums especially Camp. No appropriate words can portray my fixation I have for this album. It's just awesome song after awesome song.

I remember when his album was released, I waited patiently for a couple of days for someone to put up the album on Youtube (Classy fan is classy fan) and proceeded to listen to it ALL DAY. it is just that good.

Recently Pitchfork reviewed Camp and gave it...wait for it...1.6 out of 10.  I don't even. Pitchfork tries too hard to be hipster. However, they did give Toro y Moi an 8 point something for Underneath The Pine so my immense hatred towards them is somewhat diminished.

Childish Gambino is the only rapper I actually enjoy listening to and the only one I listen to. So it pains me when someone gives Camp such a terrible rating.


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