Friday, September 10, 2010

mellencamp for yer melon.

the floral trend needs to
seriously, i now see people in floral jumpsuits. yes..jumpsuits. jumpsuits are like to me quite hard to swallow since it makes your butt look huge no matter what size you are.
that's the thing about consumer trends (at least the ones that catch on) that bugs me. they love to integrate the trend into everything and suddenly you walk into a store and everything is in floral print and then everyone starts wearing floral prints then it hurts my eyes.
then i go on to see 7 people wearing the same dorothy perkins/topshop floral dress at the same place.
and then you have other kinds of "trends" like the leotard. omg. where do i even start?
leotards should only be worn by lady gaga, beyonce and ballerinas. period.
i don't even know why they sell them in the first place because where on earth are you going to wear your stupid leotard? maybe a lady gaga concert so people can grope your butt.
the thing is people who buy a leotard usually use with a skirt/any sort of bottoms which defeats the purpose of even wasting money on it since you can just wear a top and no one would know the difference.

people need to learn especially people here that just because it's from topshop doesn't mean it automatically looks cool. it doesn't most of the time. jc.

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