Thursday, December 31, 2009

tres bien

I actually woke up today feeling depressed knowing today is the last day of the year.
the end of year ultimately means the end of the holidays and back to life.
and on that note, it's back to deciding life changing decisions.
i would say that i scaled down a lot in terms of shopping this year. i actually feel deprived.
did many things i thought i would never actually do.
and now with AS out of the way, i regret not doing a foundation course or ANY other course.

with most of my time spent in the kitchen this holidays, i've found a new passion for cooking :) although my cousin thinks i'm doing it just for suraj.

p.s. i still hate mr. thiru and will forever. he makes my life 50 times harder that it's suppose to be. and i hope he falls down a flight of stairs and dies :) i don't care if he's a good lecturer. burn in hell for all i care.

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