Saturday, February 21, 2009

g for gweeee.

this is kind of delayed. 
well, when jeremy came back from NS for like 4 days for chinese new year.
i was in a way forced  to go out with him and the other guys.
haha. it was nice to be around people i knew well...again.
i missed everyone! 
oh yes.. yee ling was there too but i didn't get a chance to take a picture of her. 
i miss you yee ling!

i was trying to prove to jeremy that he can't take a picture of me
but he proved me wrong. grr.
you can actually see the movement of my hand going towards my face..a sign of defeat.

haha. this was actually before the movie started. 
we were all sitting outside then Izzat asked me to braid his hair cause he saw what a professional i am at it.
however there was no hair pin insight except mine so it was a no go.

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