Friday, August 15, 2008


if you were anticipating the latest episode of pushing daises on tuesday, you would have been disappointed like me. instead of the emo pie maker reviving lives, it was bitchy attention whores.
first of all, when you stop airing a show like pushing daises, a show up to par with pushing daises is expected but sadly this did not happen.

5 Jingga is bad.
it's worse than bad. it's utterly lame.

when the show started i was watching it with an open mind thinking that maybe the director was going in the same direction of the 'kami' director but man was i wrong.

the beginning was ok.

but there was this one scene which pretty much summed up the whole show.
the scene was the one where the new girl walked into the school's hall/gym(whatever it's called) and she saw this guy break dancing amatuerly . so in a desperate act to show off and make a new friend she starts dancing. it was hard to tell whether she was dancing or just moving her hands because the camera man was like all over place.
and to make matters worse, the background music was really really bad.
no kidding. and they would use that same song for every time that the guy started break dancing.

that's the break dancer. i know you were hoping for a buff dude.

she plays the bitchiest cheerleader to the tee. it's hard to believe she's 27.

other parts of the show basically showed cheerleaders bitching about captains, boyfriends and what not. for a show that didn't want to stereotype anak datuks, they did a nice job with stereotyping cheerleaders.

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